We provide a wide range of medical services
· General Medicine
· Preventive Medicine
· Childhood and Adult Vaccinations
· Chronic Disease Management
· Paediatric Health
· Women's Health (including IUD insertion/removal, Implanon insertion/removal, cervical screening)
· Men's Health
· Iron Infusions
· Skin Cancer Checks
· Medicals
· Health Screenings
· Minor Procedures
Please read the information below to ensure our staff are appropriately prepared for your visit.
For 1 issue
A standard appointment is an appropriate length of time to discuss one issue with your Doctor. If you require more time with your doctor, you can book a long consult.
For 2 - 3 Issues
A long consult is an appropriate length of time with your Doctor for 2-3 issues. Some services require a long consult to be booked due to time allocations. Please read below to determine if your service needs require a long consult before booking.
For remote consults
Telehealth appointments are conducted over the phone, for existing patients only who have seen the Doctor in person in the last 12 months.
The Doctor will call you within half an hour of your appointment time. Medical certificates, results and repeat scripts can be conducted via telehealth and documents can be sent via email and text message.
A child health check aims to ensure that children are growing and developing as well as possible. These checks are performed at specific ages and tie in nicely when vaccinations are due.
All our Doctors provide child health services and work with their young patients and families to provide a calm and safe environment.
Child Health Check:
Babies are weighed and measured at each check to monitor their growth on the age specific growth charts and other age-appropriate assessments are completed by your Doctor to ensure that your child is developing as expected.
These appointments allow a great opportunity for parents to discuss any concerns they have relating to other relevant issues including feeding, sleeping, crying, toileting, milestones and safety.
Please make sure you bring along your baby's blue book to their child health check so that we can update and complete the relevant documentation.
If your child is due for vaccination, we recommend an appropriate dose of paracetomol prior to the appointment.
Our doctors offer health services to help women avoid future long-term health problems, improve their reproductive health, and improve their overall well-being.
We offer a comprehensive range of women’s health services at our clinic, click below for a list.
- Bowel cancer screening
- Breast checks
- Cervical screening test
- Chronic disease screening and management
- Contraception advice (including Implanon
removal and insertion & Mirena removal only)
- Diabetes education and management
- Family planning
- General care – regular health checks and age-
related health assessments
- Healthy Heart Checks
- Immunisations
- Incontinence
- Iron deficiency
- Menopause management
- Menstrual disorders
- Mental health
- Pregnancy and antenatal screening and care
- Post-natal care
- Sexual health screening
- Skin cancer checks
- Weight management
Australian men are statistically less likely to be proactive about their healthcare. At Darlington Medical Centre, we foster a welcoming environment to all our patients and encourage them to stay healthy.
Click below for a list of our men's health services.
- Bowel cancer screening
- Chronic disease screening and management
- Diabetes education and management
- Family Planning
- General care – regular health checks and age-
related health assessments
- Immunisations
- Incontinence
- Iron deficiency
- Mental health
- Prostate checks
- Sexual health screening and erectile dysfunction
- Skin cancer checks
- Weight management
- Healthy Heart Checks
The vaccinations available at the clinic are:
For any other immunisations, please book a standard consultation with your GP to discuss eligibility and scripts.
For all vaccinations with a script, please fill the script at the pharmacy then bring it to the clinic and give to our reception staff. This will keep the medication at the correct temperature required. If the medication has not remained at the appropriate temperature, our staff may not be able to administer it.
The flu vaccination is recommended for any person six months of age and over who wishes to reduce the likelihood of becoming ill with the flu. These vaccines are funded through the Annual Influenza Program for eligible groups such as:
Pregnant women
People aged over 6 months and older with medical risk factors
All children aged six month to less than five years of age
All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged six months and over
All patients aged 65 years and over
For those patients who are not eligible for the Government funded flu vaccine, a private $20.00 fee is charged.
Travel Immunisation Advice
It is important to get relevant travel advice and immunisation before you travel abroad to other countries. While you are likely to have the immunisations needed to live in Australia, there may be other immunisations you require to protect yourself from diseases prevalent at your destination.
You should allow plenty of time prior to your departure date to speak to one of our experienced doctors to find out about the health risks you should be aware of whilst overseas.
We may not be able to administer all vaccinations required, this can be discussed with your Doctor.
Travel vaccinations are not covered by Medicare or the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme so you will need to obtain a prescription from your GP and collect from your pharmacy of choice.
Our practice can provide you with a copy of your vaccination history and your Doctor can also prescribe you appropriate medications to take with you on your journey such as anti-malaria tablets.
Children's Vaccinations are available Mon-Fri 9am to 4pm.
National Immunisation Schedule:
6 weeks
4 months
12 months
18 months
4 years
Speak to your Doctor about any missed highschool vaccinations.
Flu Vaccination
The flu vaccination is recommended for children six months of age and over.
Vaccines are funded through the Annual Influenza Program for:
Children aged between 6months and 5 years of age
Children over 6 months and older with medical risk factors
All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
We have Doctors who specialise in Skin Checks, a preventative approach to skin care and skin cancer management.
These appointments are a long consult involving a thorough check of all potential areas of concern on the skin. From this appointment, any procedures and/or biopsies will be organised and booked in with the Doctor and the Nurse.
For existing patients, this initial skin check consult is a bulk-billed service, Monday-Friday.
For new patients, this appointment will have a GAP FEE.
For New Patients:
Upfront cost = $106.95
Medicare Rebate = $76.95
Therefore the GAP fee = $30.
Any procedures required after this appointment will have fees, which will be explained to you in your skin check consult.
Check out our Doctor's descriptions to book in with a skin doctor today.
Our highly qualified doctors and nurses are able to support patients of all ages with their physical and emotional health care needs. Health Assessments are routinely performed by our experienced practice nurses and finalised by your GP. Your health assessment will be tailored to cover a comprehensive range of age-appropriate screening and assessment tools to identify potential health issues and implement early interventions to improve your health and quality of life.
We believe prevention is always better than a cure, so we have a range of preventative health assessment services to suit your stage in life.
45-49 years health assessments and preventative care (one-off)
40-45 high risk diabetes assessments
75 years + heath assessments and keeping safe at home (annually)
ATSI health assessment (every 9 months)
Disability health assessment (annually)
Post ADF discharge (one-off)
Heart health check / cardiovascular disease risk assessment (annually)
Kidney health check – we are a chronic Kidney Disease Ambassador practice
Diabetes risk assessment
Our centre has a dedicated skin clinic operating daily.
Our skin doctors have completed additional training, offering comprehensive skin cancer checks as well as operative and non-operative treatments.
Please note, a skin check appointment is used solely for checking your skin to allow sufficient time for your Doctor to thoroughly check over your body.
The skin cancer check includes taking your medical history, including previous sun UV exposure, as well as undertaking a detailed examination of your skin.
If any moles or lesions have developed or changed in size or nature recently, your Doctor will assess and recommend the necessary treatment.
Our practice offers services including, cryotherapy, skin biopsies, full excisions with complex repairs including flaps and grafts, as well as referrals on to plastic surgeons where appropriate.
We recommend you see your doctor for a skin check at least annually. Please be sure to mention to your doctor if there is something sore, changing, abnormal or new. If you notice any changes to any lesions prior to your next appointment, it is advised to book an appointment immediately with your GP for an examination.
If you would like to book a bulk-billed skin check appointment, please book a long consultation with one of our Skin Doctors.
Our Skin Doctors:
Dr Sudantha Silva
Dr Jo Lene Low
Dr Jag Singh
The Healthy Heart Check is a bulk-billed initiative through the Heart Foundation for people over 45 years of age (30 years of age for patients who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander). This assessment can be performed annually.
Prior to your healthy Heart Check, you must book in a standard consult with your GP to organise a specific blood test referral. The results of these tests will be discussed in your Heart Check assessment.
The following week, your Heart Check appointment will consist of two parts.
Part One: with the practice nurse where they will perform:
ECG if necessary
Blood Pressure
Healthy Heart Questionnaire
Part Two: with your GP, where you will discuss all the results from the blood test and Part One.
If you wish to book a Heart Check, please book online or call reception 7089 6411.
A Mental Health Treatment Plan (previously known as a ‘mental health care plan’) is a plan for people with a mental health disorder. If you have mental health issues, your doctor can write a plan for you.
What is a Mental Health Treatment Plan?
A Mental Health Treatment Plan (previously known as a ‘mental health care plan’) is a plan for people with a mental health disorder. If you have mental health issues, your doctor can write a plan for you.
The plan identifies what type of health care you need and spells out what you and your doctor have agreed you are aiming to achieve. It may also refer you to local mental health services.
Who is eligible for a Mental Health Treatment Plan?
A Mental Health Treatment Plan is available to you if you have a mental health disorder diagnosed by a doctor.
How do I get a Mental Health Treatment Plan?
Visit your doctor who will assess whether you have a mental health disorder and will benefit from a Mental Health Treatment Plan.
Your doctor will ask a few questions, fill in the plan and you will set goals together. When you make the booking, ask if a long appointment — 20 minutes or more — is needed.
What does a Mental Health Treatment Plan cover?
If you have a Mental Health Treatment Plan, you will be entitled to Medicare rebates for up to 20 individual psychological appointments per calendar year. This gives you access — subsidised by Medicare — to certain psychologists, occupational therapists and social workers.
You can’t get Medicare rebates for all the sessions in one go. After your first 6 appointments, you need to see your doctor again for a mental health plan review. They can then decide if you need a referral for further sessions.
Is this a bulk-billed service?
Mental Health Treatment Plans are a bulk-billed service for those eligible for Medicare. This includes the appointment for creating the Treatment Plan and the appointment for the Treatment Plan Review only (made once the allocated sessions have been used, for the purpose of extension and extra referrals).
Any appointment on a Weekend or Public Holiday will incur a GAP Fee of $25 regardless of the appointment type.
Two weeks after birth, your child will receive a physical assessment from the Doctor and/or Nurse.
This check-up includes:
Head Circumference
Full Body Check
We encourage the birthing parent to book an assessment appointment at the same time for a post partum health check.
There are no vaccinations at this appointment for the child.
Pre-employment medicals are completed by our General Practitioners.
You will be provided with specific paperwork by the organisation requesting the medical. Please ensure you bring this with you to your appointment.
Allow at least 30 minutes (long consultation) for your examination. Times can vary depending on the specific medical tests required by your employer.
Examples of these tests can include:
visual acuity
blood tests
urine examination
review of your medical history
medical examination by a doctor
The Medical examiner will complete the report on the potential employee’s medical, physical & overall capacity to work and send to the requesting company.
Pre-employment medicals are not covered under Medicare and are charged privately.
Fees can vary from $80 - $165 depending on the complexity of the medical request.
Contraception Advice
Contraception Advice
Book an appointment with your Doctor to discuss which contraception method is the best for you,
Implanon is a long-acting reversible contraceptive which lasts for 3 years. It’s effectiveness in preventing pregnancy is very high. Progesterone is the contraceptive hormone in Implanon. The Implanon implant is a thin flexible plastic rod approximately the size of a small match which is inserted just under the skin on the inside of the upper arm.
Your doctor will remove the implant after it has been in place for the 3 years or at your request prior to this if this contraception method is no longer required or you are considering having a baby. Fertility will return soon after removal.
The Mirena is a device that is inserted inside the uterus. This contraceptive lasts up to five years and can be removed or replaced at any time a Doctor.
Our centre currently offers Mirena removal only.
Please advise reception at time of booking if you require an initial appointment to discuss options with the doctor or if the booking is for removal procedure.
The Depot is an injection administered every 12 weeks. If you and your Doctor decide this is the best contraceptive method for you, the medication is available at pharmacies via a script.
The pill is a daily tablet form of contraception that is available at pharmacies via a script.
Iron Infusion
A standard consult must be booked with your Doctor prior to booking your iron infusion.
Our practice nurses can perform iron infusions in conjunction with your GP. Your doctor will prescribe you an appropriate dose and tell you how frequently this treatment will be required. The entire procedure will take an hour of your time, as this allows us appropriate time to cannulate you, perform the infusion, and then observe you for 30 minutes after completion of the infusion for side effects or allergic reactions.
You will be required to fill your Ferinject script at your pharmacy of choice and bring this along to your appointment. There is an out-of-pocket fee associated with this service so please contact the practice to discuss.
Up front fee - $226.95 (payable on the day)
$76.95 rebate from Medicare
Alternate concession charges may apply.
Spirometry is a lung function test used to diagnose and/or monitor respiratory concerns, such as ASTHMA, COPD etc.
Our nurse will perform the spirometry with you, followed by an immediate follow-up with our Doctor to discuss your results. This process will take approximately 30-40 minutes.
Please book this appointment through reception to ensure the appropriate resources are allocated.
An additional fee of $20 will apply.
An ECG is an EchoCardioGram which is a reading of your heart, which may be done for baseline health checks, chronic health management or as suggested by your Doctor.
In this appointment, the nurse will require access to your upper body to place the electrodes. Please ensure you wear appropriate clothing which is comfortable and allows access to these areas.
You will have an immediate follow-up appointment with your Doctor to discuss the results. The total timeframe for this process is approximately 30 minutes.
If you are experiencing chest pain, please attend your nearest hospital.
Sexual Health
Darlington Medical Centre provides STI checks for all patients. Both male and female Doctors are available for these appointments, which can be booked as a standard appointment.
The National Cervical Screening Program reduces illness and death from cervical cancer. Women and people with a cervix aged 25 to 74 years of age are invited to have a Cervical Screening Test every 5 years through their healthcare provider. Please book a long consult with your Doctor for this service.
Smoking Cessation Counselling
If you have any concerns about quitting nicotine, this can be discussed with a Nurse and Doctor to go through different treatment options available.
Please book a standard consultation with your Doctor.
1513-1517 Main South Road, Darlington 5047
Ph: 7089 6411 Fax: 7089 6477
Email: reception@darlingtonmedicalcentre.com.au
All Rights Reserved | Darlington Medical Centre