See some common questions and answers below, or call us on 7089 6411
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 9:00pm
Saturday - Sunday 9:00am - 6:00pm
Darlington Medical Centre is a Mixed Billing practice; patients will pay an out-of-pocket-cost on top of Medicare rebates.
Patients who hold a valid:
- Pension card
- Concession card
- DVA card
will be Bulk Billed and not incur any costs for standard appointments from Monday to Friday.
Gap fees still apply for procedures.
We will continue to bulkbill services for:
- Health Assessments and Careplans
- Mental Health Careplans and reviews.
- Annual flu vaccinations and Childhood immunisations (non-Medicare patients must pay privately)
- Full body Skin checks
- Healthy Heart Checks
- Cervical Screening Tests
No Bulk Billing on Weekends and Public Holidays, out-of-pocket fees apply for all patients.
Weekend Upfront fee $91.80 Gap fee - $40
If you have Private Health and not Medicare, you will be charged the full fee and given your receipt to claim back from your Insurance company.
On weekends, a GAP Fee of $40 applies to all appointment types and all patients. Long consults will incur a $50 GAP Fee.
Monday - Friday is bulk-billed for those with Medicare AND a concession card, DVA card or under the age of 16.
The following services remain bulk-billed for all Medicare card holders Monday-Friday:
- General Care Plan
- Mental Health Care Plan
- Cervical Screening Test
- Healthy Heart Check
- Health Assessment (45-49 year old)
- Full Body Skin Check (existing patients only)
By following the website prompts to make an online booking through Hotdoc, you will be required to fill in your patient registration details which will create a profile for you on our system.
Alternatively, if you prefer to fill in a paper form, that is an option available to you in the clinic. Please call 7089 6411 to make a booking.
There is a Transfer of Medical Records Request form available in the clinic at reception, which once completed and signed, is forwarded to your previous GP for records to be transferred to our system. This process will take as long as the previous GP office takes to fulfill the request.
Some practices may charge a fee for transferring notes. We encourage you discuss any fees with your previous GP.
Our clinic is at 1513-1517 Main South Road and is accessible when travelling from either direction.
It is located directly next to the Salvation Army store, close to the Seacombe Road intersection.
For an image showing access directions, please visit the Contact Us page.
Standard appointment times are 10-15 minutes and whilst we encourage patients to book their appointments appropriately based on what they wish to accomplish within the timeframe, we cannot always gaurantee that the patients before you wont run overtime.
Our doctors are dedicated to providing you thorough and comprehensive health care and are always striving to run within reasonable timeframes. Occasionally emergency situations arise out of their control, which can cause an increase in waiting times.
We appreciate the patience and understanding in these unforeseeable circumstances and are happy to work with you whilst you are in the clinic to assist you in managing your time.
We are generally fully booked throughout the day, so when a patient doesn’t attend their appointment, it means another patient will miss out.
If you are unable to attend your appointment, we kindly ask that you allow at least 4 hours notice of a cancellation.
A fee of $40 is charged for non attendance and is payable before another consult is booked. This fee is not rebatable through Medicare.
You will be reminded of this policy in your reminder text message for each appointment booked with us. Our reminder system allows you to cancel via SMS if you no longer require the appointment. You may also call to cancel your appointment.
We keep record of all late cancellations & missed appointments, however each case is looked at individually, especially for emergencies and extenuating circumstances.
If you feel you have received a non attendance fee by mistake or have a genuine reason for missing your appointment, we ask you send in writing to the Practice Manager
This policy is outlined on our policies page.
Depending on what kind of tests you are getting, the wait times for results can vary. Our clinic has an automated system via HotDoc which will alert you via message if your Doctor wishes to discuss the results with you, prompting you to make an appointment with your doctor, which can be booked as a telehealth appointment if appropriate.
This automated message system may not run immediately upon receiving your results and is not set to run if the Doctor deems the results normal. Therefore we encourage all patients to be proactive with their healthcare and follow up their results with an appointment by booking online or calling the clinic.
This can be confirmed via our policies page.
All our policies can be read by visiting the policies page.
1513-1517 Main South Road, Darlington 5047
Ph: 7089 6411 Fax: 7089 6477
All Rights Reserved | Darlington Medical Centre